Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Measuring Time Inquiry

Inquiry Groups:

  1. Write down your thoughts, wanderings and comments after the iconic clocks excursion. Hand in to Rita.

  1. Think of a way of showing your learning about Melbourne’s iconic clocks.

  1. Finish your script. Read your script. Record your script with Robert.

  1. Write an explanation for your imaginative machine. Hand it to Rita to correct.
  2. Publish your corrected work.

     6.  Design and make an invitation to your families to the inquiry presentation.

Learning week 2 Literacy focus: Invitation, Adjectives


    Choose any 5 coins in the maths space and add them together to find the total. Use your skip counting skills and show your working out in your maths journal. Use a calculator to check your answers. Take it further and add more coins.
    • In your maths journal record situations where fractions would be useful.

  • In your Inquiry Journal comment on a photo for the Inquiry presentation and practice reading it aloud to a partner.

  • Complete Inquiry celebration invitation

  • Read facts about geology, growth, the solar system and measuring time.

  • Learn the lyrics to the Solar System song

  • Look, say, name, cover, write and check your three, four or five spelling words. Add these words to your Readers and Writers not book and take them home to practice. 
Spelling: Complete a word investigation activity for a word each day.


The children, specialist teachers and teachers invite family and friends to our inquiry learning presentation to be held in the gym on Wednesday 8th August at 5.30.

Iconic Clocks

The children in the 'Measuring Time' group visited the iconic clocks around Melbourne and learnt a lot about the history of Melbourne. Thank you very much to the parents who accompanied us on this informative and enjoyable excursion.

Sunday, 22 July 2012

Measuring Time Group Excursion

The children in the 'Measuring Time' group are travelling to the city on Monday 23 July to explore the iconic clocks.
All parents of the children are asked to sign and date the original yellow form by 9am Monday morning.
Please call in and speak to Rita.

Thursday, 19 July 2012

Attention: Geology group (and others who are interested)

I have posted information and some links onto the inquiry page. Check it out! - Madeleine

Monday, 16 July 2012


This term the children will work on learning 3, 4 or 5 new words per week. These words are selected from their writing, word study inquiries, words that author's use and from the commonly used words.
The children will write these words in their 'Readers and Writer's notebooks to work on at home and at school. Word building, dictionary work, spelling patterns, prefixes and suffixes are all ideas the children can work on.
This week the focus will be on the commonly used words.

Term 3

Welcome back to school for term 3. We would also like to welcome our new students and their families to our neighbourhood.
This term the specialist times for year 2 are Tuesday 2:30 and Friday 12:10 to 2:00.
Book Talk will continue on Wednesday at 9:00; year 2 has talent time will be held on Friday at 2.45 to 3.20. All parents are welcome to come along.
The Instrumental Music concert will be held on the 21st July.
Year 2 whole school assembly learning presentation is on 13th August at 9:00.